Updated for 2022
How Ordinary People From All Over The World Are Using The Easiest System Ever To Pocket Up To $100… $500… or Even $1,000/Day…”
…And How You Can Use Our Revolutionary 4-Step C.A.S.H. Process To Copy EXACTLY What We’re Doing In About 12 Minutes
NOTE: Spots are highly limited. We apologize in advance if the presentation is already full…

1. Join Trafficswarm.com and get a Free Lifetime Membership today. Surf your TrafficSwarm Page and view only the sites that interest you.Start increasing blog traffic today. It just couldn’t be any easier!
2. Use this free system to increase traffic: FreeViral.com This is a great way to increase blog traffic.
3. Submit your blog to as many blog and rss directories as you can. Here is a good place to start feed directories
4. Go to Socialposter.com and fill in the exact url to your blog post then title,general summary text then your tags. Now submit to as many social sites as you can. If this is your first time to use these sites then you will need to signup. Make things easier and automate the process with BookmarkingDemon
5. Signup at Stumbleupon.com and make friends in your niche. You can then stumble your post and get your friends to also.Its a good way for increasing blog traffic.
6. Get a free account at feedburner.google.com and add your blog feed. This is a great way to increase blog traffic.
7. Signup at technorati.com and add your blog then ping it when you update.
8. Submit articles to as many blog directories as you can find. If you would like you can use: Blog Directories to help you.
9. Blog commenting – search for blogs related to your niche then find posts where you can leave relevant comments. You will increase your backlinks and increase blog traffic.
10. Join Squidoo.com and make a lens then add a link to your blog.
These free ways are great but if you want to super charge your traffic then I highly recommend you try Traffic Ivy